Tuesday 29 May 2018

Successful Masses this term


The Masses we have accompanied this term so far have been exceptionally interesting: notably, the Vigil of Pentecost in the Dominican Rite (above), and the Emeber Saturday of Pentecost (below), each with more chants than the standard Mass formulary, with Alleluia verses between the Prophecies in the 'vigil' part of the service. We provided relatively large scholas, of eight, for each of these occasions, which is particularly good going for the exam season.


The Ember Saturday was one of, if not the, first High Masses in the Extraordinary Form, with deacon and subdeacon, to be celebrated in the church of Holy Rood, Abingdon Road, since the 1960s.


We were also honoured to mark the Patronal Feast of the Church of the English Martyrs in Didcot on 4th May, at the invitation of the Parish Priest, Fr Philip Pennington Harris.

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