Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Term Card Michaelmas 2020: Singing and the Coronavirus

Singing and the Coronavirus

We can sing again! With some limitations, however.

First, the Schola exists to support liturgical events. While these are limited, so is our activity.

Second, the number of singers at a particular event is going to be limited by the capacity of the venues.

So we do want to hear from potential singers and we do have opportunities for singing. How this works in practice will depend on how many people want to join us. Committement ahead of a performance will be particularly important.

We will need to feel our way in terms of the ever-evolving official guidlines, the events we are called on to support, and the number of people wishing to sing. 

  • We will be singing on Sundays at 5pm at Holy Rood, Abingdon Road (though not Sunday 18th October)

We will be singing for occasional Masses at SS Gregory & Augustine's, Woodstock Road:

  • Monday 2nd November (4th Week): All Souls, 6pm
  • Monday 2nd December (8th Week), Feast of the Martyrs of Oxford University, 6pm
Time committment is minimal: we rehearse on the day immediatel before the service. 

Email us on oxfordgregorianchant@gmail.com if you would like to join us on these dates.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Term Card Hillary 2020

Sadly, from 20th March our events have had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus epidemic.

Wed 26th: Ash Wednesday
6pm Sung Mass, SS Gregory & Augustine's

Fri 6th, Ember Friday, 7:30pm Sung Mass, English Martyrs, Didcot

Sunday 15th, 12 noon Sung Mass, SS Gregory & Augustine's

Saturday 21st, 11:30am High Mass, Our Lady and St Anne, Caversham

Sunday 22nd, 11am Sung Mass, Holy Trinity, Hethe

Wednesday 25th: Annunciation of the BVM
6pm Sung Mass, SS Gregory & Augustine's