Friday 1 July 2011

Backlog of videos

Here are some videos from three recent Masses we accompanied in Oxford: SS Peter & Paul, Corpus Christi (more on this Mass), and Whit Thursday (more on this Mass).

Nunc scio vere: Introit of St Peter & St Paul

Gradual Constitues eos and Alleluia Tu es Petrus, for St Peter & St Paul.

Alleluia & Sequence of Pentecost

Gradual Confirma hoc, of Pentecost (sung on Whit Thursday at St Anthony of Padua), with the Offertory verses.

Introit Cibavit of Corpus Christi, & Palestrina Kyrie's from his Missa Lauda Sion

Here is the Gloria from Corpus Christi, from the same Mass setting by Palestrina.

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