Somewhat belatedly there are pictures of the Schola's two Masses at the end of Trinity term: Mass in the historic chapel of Mapledurham House, 31st May, for the Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady, and the First Friday of June, 6th, which was the feast of St Norbert, celebrated in the parish church of SS Gregory and Augustine. The celebrant in both cases was Fr John Saward.
After the latter the schola had its termly dinner in The Anchor, Hayfield Road, with members of the serving team and the Senior Member's children...
More pictures and commentary on the Mapledurham Mass can be found on the Oxford Events blog here.
These Masses were the last of the Schola's events for the academic year. Thus ends a very successful year, the first full year of the Schola's existence. Next term we will be back in Freshers' Fair to recruit a new generation of singers, and already have lined up for the term participation in the unveiling of a plaque to Oxford's Catholic martyrs of 1589, All Souls in the Oxford Oratory, and a Requiem for Reginald, Cardinal Pole, in Madgalen College chapel, marking the 450th anniversary of his death.
For these and other forthcoming events, see the Oxford LMS Rep blog.
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