2nd Week
4th May, English Martyrs: 7:30pm
Church of the English Martyrs, Didcot
4th Week
19th May, Vigil of Pentecost, 10:30am
Blackfriars, Oxford
5th Week
26th May, Ember Saturday of Pentecost (Whit Saturday), 11:30am
Holy Rood, Abingdon Road, Oxford
7th Week
9th June, Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 11:30am
Milton Manor House, Milton, near Didcot
8th Week
Friday 15th June Votive Mass pro remissione peccatorum
6pm Sung Mass SS Gregory & Augustine’s
8th Week
Friday 15th June Votive Mass pro remissione peccatorum
6pm Sung Mass SS Gregory & Augustine’s