It has been a busy term, with the Schola singing in a number of venues. We accompanied the opening and closing Masses of the 40 Hours devotion organised by Fr John Saward at SS Gregory & Augustine's, and his Ash Wednesday Mass.
And a number of Sunday Masses. We also went to Caversham, on the outskirts of Reading, to accompany the Annual Latin Mass Society Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Caversham, whose shrine is in the church of Our Lady and St Anne. This took place on the Ember Saturday of Lent, and included the full set of readings for that Mass - which means 5 Prophecies (readings from the Old Testament) as well as an Epistle and Gospel.
Mass was celebrated by Fr Daniel Lloyd, and as well as the chant (including a Gradual after each reading) the Ordinary of the Mass was sung to a polyphonic setting by the Newman Consort.