The Schola accompanied Mass in SS Gregory & Augustine.
Gloria, from Morales, Missa de beata virgine
Gradual Audi filia & Alleluia Assumpta est
Sanctus & Benedictus, from the same Morales Mass
The Alleluia is the only ancient piece of chant in this Mass, all the others being newly composed following the Definition of the Dogma of the Assumption by Pope Pius XII in 1950. This work of composition was during the brief period (1945-1971) in which a new version of the Latin Psalter, the 'Pian Psalter' overseen by Cardinal Bea, was being used, and this version has found its way into the Gradual. It is often said that Cardinal Bea's Psalter is harder to sing; the 'Gallican Psalter' found in the Clementine Latin Vulgate is composed in a poetic and rythmical style which imitates the Hebrew.
The Gradual verse (sung by the cantor) used for the Assumption (Ps 44:14) reads:
Tota decora ingreditur filia regis, texturae sunt amictus ejus.
The equivalent verse of the Gallican Psalter is completely different. It flows much more easily:
Omnis gloria ejus filiæ regis ab intus, in fimbriis aureis.
More on Latin Psalters from Wikipedia.