Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Term Card for Hillary 2011

Practices will be at 8.15 in Queen's College,
except for 3rd Week and 8th Week, when it will be on Thursday

First Week

Sat 22nd Jan 11.30am Sung Mass, SS Vincent & Anastasis
St Anthony of Padua, Headington

Third Week

Wed 2nd Feb 6pm, Sung Mass with Blessing of Candles:
Candlemas (Purification of Our Lady)
SS Gregory & Augustine

Sat 5th Feb 11.30am, Sung Mass: St Agatha
Milton Manor, near Abingdon

Fifth Week

Sun 13th Feb 12 noon, Sung Mass: 6th After Epiphany
SS Gregory & Augustine, tbc

Sixth Week

Sunday 20th Feb, Septuagesima
St William of York, Reading

Sat 26th Feb 11.30am Sung Mass: Votive Mass of Our Lady,
Shrine of Our Lady of Caversham, Caversham near Reading

Eighth Week

Wed 9th March, 6pm Ash Wednesday
Sung Mass with Ashes, SS Gregory & Augustine

Ninth Week

Sun 13th March 12 noon, Sung: 1st Sunday of Lent
SS Gregory & Augustine

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Videos of First Sunday of Advent


Here they are. The camcorder gave up after the Offertory for some reason, but we have here the Introit (and Kyrie: since we were unable to get the polyphonists together for this occasion we sang Mass XVII)

The Alleluia

The Offertory, with the Offertory verses. This is an interesting one because the verses in the Offertoriale do something rather odd - when the antiphon is repeated it is pitched higer. The Triplex suggests this is a mistake, but we sang it as printed.