Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Term Card for Michaelmas 2010

We meet every week of Full Term on Wednesdays at 8.15pm in The Queen's College.

All our Masses this term will have a Rennaissance polyphonic ordinary
and Gregorian Chant propers.

Second Week
Saturday 23 Oct: Mass for the LMS Oxford Pilgrimage
Blackfriars, Oxford, 11am

Third Week:
Saturday 30 Oct: Training day with Nick Gale followed by Mass
Requiem, St Birinus, Dorchester on Thames, 4pm

Fourth Week
Tuesday 2 Nov: All Souls
SS Gregory & Augustine, Oxford, 6pm

Fifth Week
Saturday 13 Nov: St Didacus
St Anthony of Padua, Headington, 11.30am

Sixth Week
Saturday 20 Nov: St Felix of Valois
Chapel of Mapledurham House, near Reading, 11.30am

Eighth Week
Sunday 28 Nov: First Sunday of Advent
St William of York, Reading, 11am

Eighth Week
Saturday 4 Dec, Immaculate Heart of Mary
Milton Manor, near Didcot, 11.30am