Sunday 25 October 2009

LMS Oxford Pilgrimage 2009

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The first Mass of the academic year was yesterday; it was the Latin Mass Society's annual pilgrimage to Oxford, in honour of the Catholic Martyrs of Oxford. This was the occasion for a splendid Solemn Mass in Blackfriars, and a very impressive procession through the streets of Oxford to the site of the martyrdoms of 1589. So addition to singing at the Mass, we sang the Great Litany, the Te Deum, and other things, on the procession, and finally accompanied Benediction.

Below is the choir loft at Blackfriars, with our polyphony group singing Byrd's Four-Part Mass.
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Here is the Introit, Kyrie and Gloria.

The Gradual and Alleluia.

The Offertory and a polyphonic motet.

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